World-Class Education

作为一所世界一流的综合性大学,正规博彩十大网站排名的卓越是公认的 在教育,发现,创新,技术和多样化的参与机会. 体验高质量的学术,包容性的学习文化,以及 有目的的课程,为每个学生提供有意义的前景 to success after graduation.

在堪萨斯州立大学,你将成为支持你发展愿景的社区的一员, 培养能力,成为有影响力的,对当地和社会有贡献的成员 around the world.

Double Owl Double Degrees

Combine your undergraduate and graduate degree with Double Owl Pathways at 正规博彩十大网站排名

双猫头鹰途径使本科生能够获得本科和硕士学位 与攻读研究生学位相比,花费和时间都要少得多 degree separately. 正规博彩十大网站排名 offers numerous pathways to choose from across various disciplines, 让学生更快毕业,在未来的职业生涯中有一个良好的开端.

Discover pathways that fit your specific needs and interests!

正规博彩十大网站排名 Double Owl Pathways

double owl pathways
正规博彩十大网站排名 student attending class while in a coffee shop

Online Learning at 正规博彩十大网站排名

节省时间和金钱,享受自由选择何时何地参加你的学位课程. Continue working at your current job and learn at your own pace. 正规博彩十大网站排名的在线学习为您提供与面对面课程相同的结构化责任和学术支持,并且更方便. 

Find the online program that works for you and apply today!

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正规博彩十大网站排名通过促进全球伙伴关系引领国际努力, 支持我们的国际人口,协调国内外的规划. 全球教育与教师和学生合作并支持他们开发全球重点项目, 在国内和世界各地的研究机会和合作伙伴关系,以提高我们的国际影响力. 

正规博彩十大网站排名设有11个学院,提供180多个学位和课程 为您提供个性化的教育体验,以支持您的激情 and purpose. Discover our nationally recognized and ranked colleges here at 正规博彩十大网站排名.

Bagwell College of Education

对于那些有志于成为出生到12年级(B-12)专业教育工作者的人, leaders and administrators, or higher education faculty and administrators, 巴格韦尔教育学院是乔治亚州最顶尖的师资培养机构之一. Our excellent faculty, staff, 学生和校友继续为正规博彩十大网站排名巴格韦尔教育学院的良好声誉做出贡献.

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bagwell college of education building
coles college of business building

Coles College of Business

提供教育课程,为学生在学术和商业社区提供卓越的价值. 通过在选定的领域取得突出成就,并为区域经济的持续增长作出贡献, 我们的商科学生将成为商界积极参与的一部分. 

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Top Enrolled Undergraduate Degrees

College of Architecture and Construction Management

位于佐治亚州的玛丽埃塔,学生们获得了对一个著名地区的创新见解 for exciting new construction and structural repurposing. Offering rewarding internship 可能性,社区参与活动和热闹的社交场景,提供 下一层次的建筑和建筑教育,是为学生准备的建筑 a brighter future.

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Top Enrolled Undergraduate Degrees

Top Enrolled Graduate Degree


college of architecture and construction management building
College of Computing and Software Engineering building

College of Computing and Software Engineering

正规博彩十大网站排名的计算机和软件工程学院是全国最好的学院之一, with each of our degree programs recognized on a national scale. Accredited by the CAC Accreditation Commission of ABET in Computer Science, Information Technology and Software Engineering and Game Development, our students obtain the necessary skills to excel in leading industries.

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Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences

作为11所学院中规模最大的学院,我们致力于为学生的学术生涯做好准备 在不断发展的市场中获得成功和充满希望的未来,这些都很重视你的经验. 学生具备多学科学习、团队合作、批判性思维的能力 解决问题的重点是创新和想法,以帮助改善人类状况.

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Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences building
College of Science and Mathematics building

College of Science and Mathematics

Preparing students for future success through innovative, high quality academic experiences in the areas of physical sciences, life sciences and mathematical processes. 将高水平的研究活动和先进的教学设施与跨学科课程相结合, our students grow to meet the needs of tomorrow’s challenges.

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Top Enrolled Undergraduate Degrees

Top Enrolled Graduate Degrees

College of the Arts

艺术与设计学院,舞蹈系, 贝利音乐学院,戏剧与表演研究系,我们完成 教师和工作人员通过变革性的艺术和文化为学生的成功做好准备 scholarly engagement. Our students advance as artists, engage in partnerships with 专业的艺术组织,并继续蓬勃发展,成为当地富有创造力的公民 and around the world.

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Top Enrolled Undergraduate Degrees

Top Enrolled Graduate Degree


college of the arts building
kennesaw hall building

Graduate College

It takes more to advance in your career than just ambition. At Kennesaw State, 研究生院为学生提供必要的工具,以激发他们的雄心壮志,并创造一条成功的前进道路. 我们最先进的设施和方便的时间表有助于提高您的技能,成为现实世界挑战的解决方案. 我们为您提供资源,帮助您成功地导航您的研究生之旅, every step of the way. 

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正规博彩十大网站排名 Journey Honors College

在大学内提供一个社区,正规博彩十大网站排名旅程荣誉学院促进学术 才华横溢,上进心强的学生享受热烈讨论的机会, creative expression and intellectual challenges. We allow students and educators to 扩大他们的好奇心,在学术成就上出类拔萃,发展持久的关系 through service, leadership and global relations.

prospective students current students
journey honors college building
Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering & Engineering Technology building

Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering & Engineering Technology

Georgia’s engineers are made here. 我们为学生提供由行业专家教师领导的高质量工程学位. As the second-largest engineering college in Georgia, our college serves more than 4,500名学生,拥有20多个本科和研究生工程和工程技术学位.

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Wellstar College of Health and Human Services

Comprised of various disciplines in the physical fitness, civic support and wellness communities, we offer “real-life” education that you can take into your career field. 我们的毕业生在工作中超出预期,并在创新的学习环境中互动. 

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Top Enrolled Undergraduate Degrees

Wellstar College of Health and Human Services building
research students talking with research mentor


Research extends beyond the classroom at 正规博彩十大网站排名

Offering immersive learning and dynamic environments , our students become leading innovators, researchers and developers with Kennesaw State’s various Academic Centers, Institutes & Labs.

see what we have to offer

LIBRARY AT 正规博彩十大网站排名

The 正规博彩十大网站排名 Library System is committed to supporting and furthering the resources, services and spaces needed to enhance the teaching, learning, research and creative endeavors of our 正规博彩十大网站排名 students, faculty, staff and visitors. 我们的工作重点是学生的成功-特别是发展本科课程, supporting graduate members, 推进研究与相关和促进终身参与学习在我们的社区.

Research Possibilities at 正规博彩十大网站排名 Library System

ksu student in library